On 5 September, 2023 JPI Climate organized the workshop on “The Role of Research and Development (R&D) and Policy for advancing Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR) in the EU” held in the Belgian Science Policy Office in Brussels and online.
The aim of the workshop was to bring together experts from academia, experts in EU policy on CDR, delegates (funding representatives) and nominated experts from JPI Climate partner countries, as well as key experts from non-JPI member states.
During the workshop keynote speakers from several EU organizations informed about ongoing research at national and EU level. It was also discussed the research needs to support effective CDR policies and CDR implementation. Participants had the opportunity to identify gaps in R&D which could be addressed by JPI Climate, and therefore, provide a useful platform to support the work of the European Scientific Advisory Board on Climate Change (ESABCC) and European Energy Agency (EEA).
This workshop is one of the relevant topics for the MAGICA project towards a new Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) and was organized in collaboration with the German Federal Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF) and the German Aerospace Centre Project Management Agency (DLR PT).
For more information about the event contact:
Anika Lindener anika.lindener@dlr.de
Michael Depuydt michael.depuydt@jpi-climate.belspo.be