The Report prepared in the frame of the project “Maximizing the synergy of European research Governance and Innovation for Climate Action” supported by the European Commission and the United Kingdom Research and Innovation Council summarises JPI Climate investment in climate change research and in the development of systematic observations both collectively and at national levels. These are reported in their National Communications to the UNFCCC.
The project MAGICA aims at providing new momentum and mechanisms to bring the various initiatives together and ensure that European research is central to the provision of timely and authoritative knowledge for climate actions within Europe and globally. The objective is to establish a “single market” for such a climate science base for research policy through Developing a Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) for a number of priority research topics of high political and societal relevance for climate action. This SRIA addresses the issue of communication of science to policy and decision makers.
There is a need to co-design and to invest efficiently in the further development of an integrated knowledge base as a sound basis for the strategies to achieve Europe's climate goals and ensure inclusivity of decision-makers, managers and other society sectors in understanding challenges and outcomes of research. This 2025-2034 SRIA should work on the basis of identifying key knowledge bottlenecks that could be addressed in coming years/decade with transnational consortia across Europe and beyond. The key issues are presented along proposed themes and sub-themes that should be prioritised in a subsequent phase of the SRIA elaboration in the coming year.
JPI Climate has been tasked by the EC to develop the 2025-2034 climate science SRIA, as part of the MAGICA project. This document, accompanied by an implementation plan, will guide JPI Climate activities for the next ten years. The SRIA is an open process, going far beyond the inner circle of JPI Climate and will only be successful if various actors are inspired by it to propose and participate in new projects and activities.
Please read full report here