Highlights from holistic climate impacts, economics and pathway research from the AXIS programme will be presented at ECCA2023 side event

2 June 2023

AXIS side event at ECCA2023 will be held on Monday June 19th, 2023. 

Location: Royal Irish Academy.

The AXIS research programme (AXIS - Assessment of Cross(X)-sectoral climate Impacts and Pathways for Sustainable Transformation) is an ERA-NET co-funded by the European Commission and 10 national funding partners. Research addressed within AXIS touches upon several of the themes presented at ECCA2023 advancing and integrating various strands of climate impact research with economics and wider scenario research considering the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

AXIS builds bridges across disciplines and traditional climate impact categories, with the goal to improve stakeholder oriented climate information and services beyond the often separate research stands of adaptation and mitigation.

Drawing on 3 to 4 years of research, the AXIS side event at ECCA2023 will showcase key results of ten AXIS projects. The session will cover a range of topics such as droughts, linkages to biodiversity and bioeconomy, land-use change for mitigation and adaptation, and holistic scenario development. The event will be relevant for policymakers, stakeholders and the related scientific communities alike.

Read more about the AXIS research programme here  

More information about the AXIS side-event and the ECCA2023 programme here