ECCA 2023

19 - 21 June 2023
Dublin, Ireland

ECCA 2023 - 6th European Climate Change Adaptation Conference

Actionable Knowledge for a Climate Resilient Europe

Register now for Europe’s leading climate adaptation conference – ECCA 2023 – a biennial conference that brings adaptation practitioners together with the world of science to advance the adaptation of European territories to climate change.

With three days of plenaries, sessions, side events and creative activity, you will hear from experts in scientific climate research, decision-makers, practitioners and policy, with plenty of opportunities to network. Programme information is on the ECCA 2023 website, with more details being added regularly.

Conference social events promote networking

Events include a reception in the architecturally stunning Dublin City Hall Rotunda on the opening evening, and the social event on the second evening at the impressive EPIC centre – an interactive exhibition of Ireland’s story of emigration.

The conference is presented by MAGICA in association with JPI Climate, with funding from the European Commission, hosted by University College Cork (UCC), MaREI and sponsored by Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), European Space Agency (ESA) and Dublin City Council.

Influential audience for adaptation

The audience will be adaptation experts – researchers' and practitioners, policy-makers, local authorities, the private sector with a focus on businesses already engaged and taking action on climate risk, investors, NGOs, citizens organisations, youth and education organisations, community groups engaged in adaptation, communicators and all interested individuals.

They will hear from Europe’s leading climate researchers who are using trusted data to develop cutting-edge climate action tools, decision-support platforms and prototype climate services to adapt to the climate challenges they are tasked with addressing.

Real-world examples and experiences

There will be an opportunity to share actual examples of the challenges and potential solutions. Since the last ECCA conference in May and June 2021, Europe has experienced the warmest summer on record, accompanied by severe floods in Western Europe and dry conditions in the Mediterranean. In 2022, even more records were broken in Europe, with a record high temperature in Ireland in July 2022, for example. Besides necessary mitigation measures, adaptation actions contribute to recovery, resilience, climate change mitigation, biodiversity conservation and restoration, citizen safety, wellbeing, and financial security.

Inspiring adaptation by showcasing solutions

The goal of the conference, among the goals of the previous ECCA editions, is to inspire adaptation by showcasing solutions, exchanging knowledge, creating connections, and encouraging dialogue on how to act more and faster at every level. Since 2013, the European Union has been funding the organization of ECCA. The last edition was held online, but in 2023 the ECCA will be an in-person event for up to 500 people with live streaming of all plenary sessions and interactive hybrid formats.

Find out more on the  ECCA website or on the JPI Climate ECCA 2023 webpage.

Follow ECCA 2023 on Twitter @ECCA2023 and LinkedIn ECCA | European Climate Change Adaptation conference – 6th edition, 19-21 June 2023, Dublin, Ireland for further updates